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MReport Webinar Series: Originations Demand and Outsourcing Success

Register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3543775869257120524

Record low mortgage rates coupled with a red-hot housing market means homeownership is growing exponentially. However, booming business can also mean workforce strain for originators trying to keep up with demand.

During the MReport Webinar Series’ latest installment, brought to you by Altisource, industry experts will tackle which forces are currently at play in the mortgage origination market, as well as how partnering with the right outsourcing experts can help speed processes, increase efficiency, and provide a better homebuying experience.

Steven Greenfield, General Manager, Altisource, will moderate a panel featuring:

* Sean Cahan, President, Cornerstone First Mortgage
* Michele Kryczkowski, SVP, National Fulfillment, Planet Home Lending
* Ed VanDuren, EVP Operations, Plaza Home Mortgage