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The Week Ahead: Understanding Eviction and Foreclosure Moratoria

Community Solutions and the National Low Income Housing Coalition [1] (NLIHC) host a complimentary webinar Wednesday, December 16 from  2-3:30 pm CT, entitled, "Preventing Housing Instability During COVID-19: Understanding Eviction Moratoriums and Rental Assistance."

The organizers say the event will be held in light of the economic and public health crisis that has sparked federal, state, and local government policy solutions to prevent a resultant housing crisis.

For example, FHFA, which oversees Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac recently announced [2] the fourth extension of its eviction and foreclosure moratorium until "at least" January 31, 2021.

Community Solutions and NLIHC reportedly hope attendees will learn more about evictions and foreclosures and their negative impacts on communities during the pandemic as well as how to avoid them.

They have assembled a panel of experts to educate, inform, and energize communities on the following sub-topics including:

There is no cost, but those who wish to participate must register here [3].

Here is what else is happening in The Week Ahead: