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Chase Holds Five-Day Homeowner Outreach Event in Atlanta

Chase ""loan advisors are setting up shop"":http://www.businesswire.com/portal/site/home/permalink/?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20100609006209&newsLang=en in downtown Atlanta for five days to help struggling borrowers work out a plan to save their homes.

The event begins Friday, June 11th, and goes through Tuesday, June 15th. The company says 90 Chase loan counselors will be on hand to assist borrowers with a Chase, EMC Mortgage, or Washington Mutual home loan.

Homeowners can get help on applying for a mortgage modification, pursuing a short sale transaction, or document signing and drop off for modification evaluation.

In addition to the special five-day outreach program, the bank has two Chase Homeownership Centers in the Atlanta area that provide assistance to struggling homeowners six days every week.