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Arizona Realtor Opens Online Bidding

Phoenix-area ""Realtor Jason Hall"":http://www.AzHomeInfoSource.com has launched a new ""Online Home Bidding"":http://www.azhomeinfosource.com/send_first_timexinquiry_type=Bid+Online+Now service that he says will make selling real estate in the foreclosure-ravaged metro easier. The portal allows potential homebuyers to seek out Phoenix properties - including foreclosures and bank owned properties - from anywhere that has an Internet connection, submit a bid of interest, and then start taking the steps to buy a home.
After viewing pictures and videos of local properties at the Online Home Bidding site, the buyer can enter in a bid for a home of interest. While the lender or seller considers the offer, a real estate agent from the ""Jason Hall Real Estate Agency"":http://www.AzHomeInfoSource.com will make contact with the bidder to assist them in structuring an official offer for the home.
According to Hall, this online bidding approach differs from what is offered on more traditional real estate auction Web sites because unlike other sites where a bid is a binding contract, offers made at Online Home Bidding are unofficial and instead serve to allow the buyer to alert a real estate agent of their interest. An agent then contacts the potential buyer and discusses the next steps in buying the home, walking them through the process.
Technological innovations have moved all business types into a global marketplace. Online home bidding allows real estate to make the same leap.
Hall echoed this sentiment, saying, ""The world doesn't just operate locally anymore. Real estate should expand to meet the global market. We've found a way to do that.""
Online bidding gives asset managers and REO agents an avenue for marketing properties to a wider audience via the Internet, putting their homes out there to be seen and increasing the chance of a sale. Hall says he expects his new service to be a popular resource among local buyers, as well as investment buyers around the world, allowing them to search for and buy Phoenix-area properties from any location.
He called the new ""Online Home Bidding"":http://www.azhomeinfosource.com/send_first_timexinquiry_type=Bid+Online+Now portal ""a unique process that puts sellers and buyers in the same place, reducing the time it takes to close a property, while also allowing buyers a better chance at finding a great property before it is bought by someone else.""
Hall has been a Phoenix-area real estate agent for over 10 years. He explains that along with his associates, he is dedicated to providing his clients with the high-quality service, choices, and results that they should expect from a real estate professional.