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Foreclosure Avoidance Site Offers Borrowers Satisfaction Guarantee

Michigan-based ""HomeAffordableGuide.com"":http://www.homeaffordableguide.com provides interactive software that guides borrowers through the application process for mortgage help programs, and the company now offers a 30-day satisfaction guarantee.


If a homeowner is not happy with the site's abilities while applying for a loan modification or short sale, they may request a full refund within 30 days of purchase.

Homeowners wanting to avoid foreclosure can complete the application process for a loan modification or short sale with HomeAffordableGuide.com. The site auto-populates and auto-calculates forms and assists with writing personalized hardship letters. The site also provides homeowners with a list of supplemental materials they will need to submit with the completed forms.

HomeAffordableGuide.com was created in 2009 by a team specializing in helping homeowners achieve loan modifications and short sales.

According to a statement from HomeAffordableGuide.com, government officials, agencies, and assistance programs have reviewed the software and agree it is a valuable resource for homeowners facing foreclosure.