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MortgageKeeper Extends Help to 15% More Homeowners in May

Illinois-based ""MortgageKeeper Referral Services"":http://www.mortgagekeeperdirect.com, the developer of a national database that connects financially strapped homeowners with qualified nonprofit and government agencies for assistance, has released its May Homeowner Needs Status Report.

The company says more than 40,000 homeowner assistance referrals were issued last month - a 15 percent increase over April.


MortgageKeeper's report reveals that heat and utility assistance was the most requested category for help. Food assistance and employment services rounded out the top three most popular categories for referrals.

""The economy continues to be sluggish, and more homeowners are finding themselves playing catch-up,"" said Rochelle Nawrocki Gorey, president and co-founder of MortgageKeeper Referral Services. ""Even in May, when heating season is typically over, many homeowners were still behind on their heating bills as they tried to recover from an unusually long and harsh winter.""

Counselors and servicers who subscribe to MortgageKeeper's database provide struggling homeowners with a list of researched, qualified agencies that can offer aid, usually located within a few miles of the homeowner.

MortgageKeeper Referral Services helps more than 1,500 families find answers and assistance every day. Subscribers to the database include Ocwen Loan Servicing, two other top 25 servicers, and the Homeownership Preservation Foundation.