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City of Belen in New Mexico to Host Code Enforcement Summit

The city of Belen, New Mexico has planned their first-ever statewide Code Enforcement Summit, designed to benefit the code enforcement community by building relationships with field services companies who perform preservation services.


The summit will take place Wednesday, Oct 13 and Thursday, October 14 at the Holiday Inn Express Conference Center in Belen.

""Valencia County is at the top of the list when it comes to foreclosures in New Mexico,"" said Belen Mayor Rudy Jaramillo.


He continued, ""This summit has the potential to be the model for how we effectively preserve communities across New Mexico. The economic and housing issues we're seeing here in Belen are similar to what we're seeing across the state-especially in the rural areas.""

The summit has committed to foster relationships between the community and the preservation services. Field service companies benefit because the relationships built will help quicken the process of curing code violations. The summit has also engaged supporting industries who represent bank-owned properties, social service agencies and lending institutions. Representatives from the industries will be on hand at the summit.

""This summit will allow Belen and other New Mexico communities to obtain the resources necessary to ride out the storm and take steps toward rebuilding and revitalizing,"" said Jaramillo.

The summit will also serve as the official launch of the New Mexico Association of Community Preservation, a non-profit agency dedicated to fostering relationships between industry partners and organizations for the preservation of New Mexico communities.

Find out more information about the summit ""here"":http://www.belen-nm.gov/news/CES.htm.