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MortgageKeeper Collaborates with Family Credit Management

Illinois-based ""MortgageKeeper Referral Services"":http://www.MortgageKeeper.com announced Tuesday that it will begin working with ""Family Credit Management"":https://www.familycredit.org/ to help its counselors connect consumers to vetted community services via MortgageKeeper's MKDesktop product.

Family Credit Management is a nonprofit consumer credit and housing counseling agency. It has been providing services to consumers seeking financial assistance for[IMAGE] [COLUMN_BREAK]

almost 20 years and is one of only 26 consumer credit counseling agencies licensed in over 20 states.

Family Credit counselors will have Web-based access to MortgageKeeper's nationwide database of more than 6,500 nonprofit and government services. By simply typing in the consumer's ZIP code and choosing a service category from the 20 different options offered -- such as ""job training,"" ""food assistance,"" or ""utility payment assistance"" -- counselors can create customized local assistance summaries to help consumers reduce their living expenses so they are better able to meet financial obligations such as their mortgage payments.

Current subscribers to MortgageKeeper's database connect consumers to 65,000 resources every month.

""Family Credit helps people become debt free, and assistance from local resources is critical to reaching this goal,"" said Michael McAuliffe, president of Family Credit Management. ""We are excited about the addition of MKDesktop to our resources, which will help our counselors guide even more individuals and families to the ultimate objective of financial freedom.""