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Mortgage Derivatives Explained in New Practical Guidebook

The multifaceted and vast derivatives market can be thorny for even the sharpest of minds. But Udo Onwuachi, a former mortgage trader and authority on collateralized mortgage obligation (CMO) derivatives, says he aims to introduce agency CMO derivatives to a much broader[IMAGE] [COLUMN_BREAK]

audience â€" an audience that may still be leery of mortgage bonds after the credit crisis fallout.

Onwuachi's book, ""Trading & Valuing Agency CMO Derivatives, A Reference Guide, Part Art, Part Science,"" arrived in stores September 10th. Published by Amazon Books, it is a practical guide to trading mortgage derivatives, running a hedge fund, or for funds looking to allocate money to specialty fund managers, Onwuachi explained.

""So many pension funds will not be able to meet their obligations and are increasing the percentage their members have to contribute,"" Onwuachi said, ""instead of changing their investment strategy by buying U.S. government backed MBS [mortgage-backed securities] and plain vanilla agency CMO bonds and CMO derivatives to protect against inflation and interest rate hikes.""

""Trading & Valuing Agency CMO Derivatives"" is available September 10th in bookstores and online at ""Amazon.com"":http://www.amazon.com.