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New Technology Introduced for Asset Disposition

""Decision Ready"":http://www.decisionreadysolutions.com/ announced a new technology to manage the disposition of defaulted mortgage assets.


RADAR, the new application, provides a toolkit to handle loan sales and transfers, as well as REO disposition.

""RADAR's integrated platform allows the servicer to apply disposition strategies during early stage delinquency well before the REO phase,"" said Claudia Sanchez, chief information officer for Decision Ready.

The technology provides multiple options for asset disposition and for managing disposition strategies. The toolkit connects with servicers' existing asset management technology and fits in with their processes.

Radar combines four components: RADAR REO desktop, RADAR loan sale desktop, RADAR short sale desktop, and RADAR closing desk.

Founded in 2010, Decision Ready is headquartered in Irvine, California and provides default servicing compliance solutions.