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St. Louis County in Minnesota Steps into E-Recording with Simplifile

""St. Louis County"":http://www.stlouiscountymn.gov/ in Minnesota shed the traditional method of paper-based recording to adopt e-recording through ""Simplifile"":https://simplifile.com/eRecording/.


Now that the county is able to record documents electronically, documents will be recorded faster and the county will see a reduction in mail and paper costs.


In order to make electronic recording possible, St. Louis County spent a year and a half creating a new interface for that purpose.

""It wasn't a matter of flipping on a switch for e-recording,"" said St. Louis County public records and property valuation director Mark Monacelli. ""We had to re-write our entire database using current technology and write a state of the art application to convert our paper-based Torrens registration system to a fully integrated electronic model along with creating a whole new interface to begin e-recording.""

Monacelli led the team in creating the infrastructure for e-recording. Monacelli, a major proponent in the history of e-recording, also serves as the president of the Property Records Industry Association (PRIA).

To begin e-recording through Simplifile, submitters need to have access to high-speed Internet access and a scanner.

According to a company release, St. Louis County is the 57th Minnesota recording jurisdiction to e-record with Simplifile.